"Operation Lancaster: A BattleTech Fan Project led by Devin Ramsey" is a large-scale, fan-made lore project set in the BattleTech/MechWarrior Universe. This project has taken five years to complete, and it is an entirely non-profit project, made by fans of BattleTech, for fans of BattleTech.
Launch Video
Operation Lancaster Project includes the following:
(Click to Expand)
- 7 Short Stories of varying length (Arguably the project's crown jewels!)
- 1 "Main Event" article: Operation Lancaster itself
- Complete Tables of Organization & Equipment for all forces involved in Operation Lancaster
- 4 Planetary Historical Articles
- 1 Corporation Historical Article (dating back to the 21st Century)
- 6 Combat Unit Historical Articles
- 81 Character Profiles (the majority of which are quite in-depth, and have their own index)
- Articles detailing two different forms of personal kits/suits and two personal weapons
- A bestiary featuring four unique animals from the protagonist homeworld
- Roughly 200 artworks by Matt Plog, Alan Blackwell, and Matt Maeda (as well as one piece by an artist who goes by "Pyralis" planned to be added in a later update!).
The Technical Readout portion includes articles for the following:
(Click to Expand)
- 6 Civilian Vehicles
- 12 Combat Vehicles
- 1 Infantry Unit
- 4 Battle Armor
- 1 ProtoMech
- 10 Export/Mass-Production BattleMechs (Many of which date back to the Star League!)
- 16 Limited Production BattleMechs & OmniMechs (Many are upgrades of the Export models)
- 2 Satellites
- 4 Aerospace Fighters
- 1 Small Craft
- 3 DropShips
- 1 Space Station
- 1 JumpShip
- 2 Production-Model Black-Water WarShips
- 2 Unique Black-Water WarShips
- 35 Unique & Modified 'Mechs, Vehicles, & AeroFighters
- 6 Celestial OmniMech Configurations
- 8 Second-Line Clan BattleMechs
...AND MORE!™️
Operation Lancaster features roughly two hundred wonderful artworks by the following artists:
Featured Designers:
Operation Lancaster also features numerous custom machine designs, many of which are available as high-quality miniatures from the artists who originally designed them. These and other artists (most of them miniature designers) are given appropriate credit and their stores/personal pages are listed in the individual Technical Readout articles wherever their designs are showcased, along with art by Matt PLOG.
Operation Lancaster is a non-profit fan project.
Operation Lancaster has often been described as a “love letter to BattleTech”. What began in 2017 as a humble fan-TRO project exploded into something far beyond anything anyone involved could have possibly imagined. This has been a non-profit project from the start, and Devin has ensured that he cannot profit in any way, shape, or form from it. He has refused to accept any offers of financial donations and there has never been a Patreon page or any other kind of funding page for this project. Everything that had to be paid for has been paid for out of pocket.
Thank you for looking into Operation Lancaster! I hope you enjoy it!
Devin Ramsey