The fiction Timeline
Have you ever wondered in what order to read the Battletech novels? It is a daunting task to tackle all the fiction out there. Some were available for purchase as a physical product, but many were also only digital releases. Hopefully this list will provide some respite from collecting all the fiction out there!
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4th Succescion War - Pre-Clan Invasion
4th Succescion War - Pre-Clan Invasion 〰️
In-Universe Date: 3025
Synopsis: MechWarriors believe that the only way to kill a BattleMech is with another 'Mech... But Generals know that the best way to kill an army of 'Mechs is with a well-placed dagger. The five houses of the Successor States employ both warfare and treachery in their efforts to gain control of the interstellar empire once known as the Star League. Huge, man-like, walking tanks called BattleMechs rule the battlefields, but intrigues and plots rule the imperial courts. Hanse Davion is Prince of the Federated Suns, the largest of the five warring Houses... an idealistic man who has had to learn that politics is neither honorable nor straightforward. Ardan Sortek is the commander of Hanse Davion's personal guard. Although a long-time friend of Hanse's, he has not yet learned the lessons of power. Through a chance series of events he stumbles upon a plot of such magnitude, that it threatens the balance of power of Inner Sphere. Unfortunately, no one will believe him... Indeed, they think he is quite mad.
Is Ardan crazy or is someone trying to kill Hanse Davion?
In-Universe Date: 3025 - 3026
Synopsis: Galatea. The Mercenary's Star. Even the most down on their luck units can find work here. Leading the newly-formed Gray Death Legion has been challenging for Grayson Death Carlyle, so when a job comes their way, he’s only too happy to take it. The mission: train the local resistance on the planet Verthandi to resist their Draconis Combine masters. But things do not go well almost from the moment the Legion arrives. Trapped on Verthandi and facing a superior force and a fractured populace, the men and women of the Legion find themselves in a situation that makes the campaign on Trellwan look like a walk in the park. And Grayson quickly learns that repeating his past successes may not be so easy this time…
Physical Phurchase: Amazon
Audiobook: Amazon
Digital Copy: DriveThru Fiction
In-Universe Date: 3022-3027
Synopsis: Betrayed by his own House and stripped of his rank, exiled Mechwarrior Justin Allard is given one last chance to save his honor—by risking his life in the gladiatorial arenas of Solaris VII. But his newest Game World opponent—more skilled at 'Mech-to-'Mech combat than any other rival—raises the stakes even higher. It's Philip Capet, former mechwarrior in the Davion military—until he was kicked out by none other than Justin Allard before his own unfortunate fall from grace. Both Justin and Philip face their own fierce battles, but in the InnerSphere, where nobles have schemed for centuries to win the ultimate power, those who interfere with the Successor Lords are sometimes called heroes.
And sometimes called victims…
Physical Purchase: Amazon
Digital Copy: DriveThru Fiction
In-Universe Date: 3027-3028
Synopsis: The Gray Death Legion is in the employ of the Free Worlds League and has even been given a landhold on the planet Helm. But dark forces conspire against them and the Legion soon finds themselves declared renegade war criminals, fair game for anyone to attack. Now they are on the run on their home planet, trying desperately to reach safety before the might of House Marik falls upon them. They are about to discover the true motives of those who engineered their downfall. And what they discover will change the Inner Sphere forever...
Physical Purchase: Amazon
Audiobook: Amazon
Digital Copy: DriveThru Fiction
In-Universe Date: 3021 - 3028
Bushido governs all these concepts. As a MechWarrior of the Draconis Combine, Monobu Tetsuhara was bound by Bushido—a code that demands loyal service—to the devious Warlord Grieg Samsonov. But when Minobu came upon a strange blue-and-gold Archer, the field littered with its vanquished opponents and its weapons now empty, Bushido also dictated that he not destroy the honorable but helpless warrior. And so he rescued Jaime Wolf. Minobu was then assigned as liaison to the Wolf’s Dragoons, one of the Combine’s most elite mercenary units, who treated him with the respect due a fellow warrior. When the mercenaries refused to renew their contract with Samsonov, Minobu was indstructed to destroy them. Now Bushido dictates that Minobu oppose his honorable foe, a man with whom he has served and who deserves far batter than betrayal…
Physical Purchase: Amazon
Digital Copy: DriveThru Fiction
In-Universe Date: 3027 - 3029
Synopsis: Hanse Davion and Melissa Steiner have united two Great Houses of the Inner Sphere in a marriage that upsets the balance of power among the stars. Though some hope this may bring an end to centuries of war, Maximilian Liao of the Capellan Confederation has enlisted the aid of two highly placed Davion traitors to destroy Hanse Davion and the Federated Suns from both within and without. But in the distant star chambers of the Capellan March and Draconis Combine, the warlords of Maximilian Liao are honoring a different and more deadly vow: to wage an unholy war that threatens to rip apart the vulnerable worlds of the Federated Suns. As Davion ’Mech commander Andrew Redburn and his mercenaries streak into battle, an explosive clash of metal and men signals the return of a formidable foe. Interstellar legend Yorinaga Kurita has returned to stake his claim as the most bloodthirsty warrior of all. For both men, it is do-or-die combat that could ensure the triumph of a glorious new alliance—or result in total annihilation…
Physical Purchase: Amazon
Digital Copy: DriveThru Fiction
In-Universe Date: 3029 - 3030
The minions of Maximilian Liao are about to deliver a crippling blow to the forces of Prince Hanse Davion—discovering a way to use Hanse’s own technology against him. Half a galaxy away, assassins stalk Hanse's wife, Melissa Steiner, and her mother, Archon Katrina Steiner, in the passageways of their own palace. Invasion is imminent. The only ’Mech force capable of stopping that invasion—the Kell Hounds mercenary unit—is trapped in a game of search and destroy with the most fearsome Kurita unit ever created. Even if they come back in time...how many would make it? In a world where ten-meter-tall war machines are the soul of battle, assassins are state policy, and a spy’s loyalty is always for sale, the only thing certain is death. Who can you trust? And in the bitter end, how will you be betrayed?
Physical Purchase: Amazon
Digital Copy: DriveThru Fiction
In-Universe Date: 3004 - 3040
Synopsis: A flash of steel, a thin crimson line, and a foamy gurgle of confusion marked the beginning of Takashi's rule, and the passing of Theodore's grandfather. Theodore Kurita is the son of Takashi Kurita, and heir apparent to the Draconis Combine, one of the most powerful realms of the Inner Sphere. But the Draconis Combine has never been a place of smooth transitions. Historically, a Kurita proves himself a fit leader by a successful bid for power, political or... otherwise. Theodore's perilous journey to power is a twenty-year odyssey beginning with his graduation from Sun Zhang Military Academy. At each level of ascendancy, Theodore finds that keeping power is far more difficult than getting it, and failure lies in wait at every turn.
Theodore's tactical knowledge is put to the test all too many times. His successes in impossible situations are dismissed as smoke and mirror trickery by soAmazonme, but lauded as genius by others. Upon reaching the level of Lord of the Combine Military, his new power allows him to see the uncertain future of his people. Theodore must step carefully as he bargains for his future with ComStar, the mystic sect, and the Yakuza, an interstellar network of organized crime. All the while, maintaining an uneasy truce with the man whom he must one day depose... his father, Coordinator of the Draconis Combine!
Physical Purchase: Amazon
Audiobook: Amazon
Digital Copy: DriveThru RPG

Clan Invasion
Clan Invasion 〰️
In-Universe Date: 3030 - 3039
Synopsis: In the 31st century, the BattleMech is the ultimate war machine. Thirty meters tall, and vaguely, menacingly man-shaped, it is an unstoppable engine of destruction. In the 31st century, the Clans are the ultimate warriors. The result of generations of controlled breeding, Clan Warriors pilot their BattleMechs like no others. In the 31st century, Aidan aspires to be a Warrior of Clan Jade Falcon. To win the right to join his Clan in battle, he must succeed in trials that will forge him into one of the best warriors in the galaxy, or break him completely. In the 31st century, Aidan discovers that the toughest battle is not in the field, but in his head—where failure will cost him the ultimate price: his humanity.
Physical Purchase: Amazon
Digital Copy: DriveThru Fiction
In-Universe Date: 3040 - 3049
Synopsis: Truebirth – Born in the laboratory, these genetically engineered soldiers train to be the ultimate warriors. They are the elite pilots of the Clan's fearsome BattleMech war machines. Freebirth – Born of the natural union of parents, these too are soldiers, but pale imitations of their truebirth superiors. Depised for their imperfections, they fight where and when their Clan commands. Aidan has failed his Trial of Position, the ranking test all truebirth warriors of the Clan Jade Falcon must pass. He is cast out. Disgraced. His rightful Bloodname denied him. But with a Bloodname, all past failures are forgiven. With a Bloodname comes respect. With a Bloodname comes honor. Aidan will do anything to gain that name. Even masquerade as the thing he has been taught to despise. A freebirth.
Physical Purchase: Amazon
Digital Copy: DriveThru Fiction
In-Universe Date: 3049 - 3051
Two decades after the events that nearly brought the Successor States to the brink of all-out war, the Great Houses exist in an uneasy peace. But now, from out beyond the Periphery comes a new threat. A swift-moving military force of unknown origin. Nothing the Inner Sphere has can stop them. Their power, speed, and ferocity are unparalleled. Some of the finest warriors and ablest units have challenged them and been crushed. No force has faced them and won. They are the Clans! A military juggernaut whose sole reason for existence is battle. A race that selectively breeds itself for combat. Humanity’s only hope is an alliance of mortal enemies. The Federated Commonwealth and the Draconis Combine, interstellar empires at war for 300 years, must now stand side-by-side—or face certain destruction!
Physical Purchase: Amazon
Hardcover: Amazon
Digital Copy: DriveThru Fiction
In-Universe Date: 3051 - 3052
Synopsis: In 2786, the elite Star League Army fled the Inner Sphere, abandoning the senseless bloodshed ordered by the Successor Lords. Now, almost three hundred years later, the Clans, heirs of the Star League Army, turn their eyes back upon their former home. Nothing will stop them from raising the Star League banner over Earth once again. For two years, the Clans BattleMech war machines have overwhelmed the armies of the corrupt Successor Lords. Now, at the gates of Earth the Clans must fight one final battle, a battle that will decide the fate of humanity for all time. For Star Colonel Aidan Pryde of Clan Jade Falcon the battle is more than a question of military conquest. It is an affirmation of the superiority of the Clan way, a way of life that he has sworn to uphold despite his fear that the noble crusade has fallen prey to the lust and ambition of its commanders.
Physical Purchase: Amazon
Hardcover: Amazon
Digital Copy: DriveThru Fiction
In-Universe Date: 3051 - 3052
Since appearing in the Inner Sphere, the frenzied Clans have overwhelmed every planet they’ve invaded, brutally crushing any opposing force. Their race is selectively bred for combat. Their technology is superior to anything the Inner Sphere possesses. Nothing the Great Houses have can stop them. Humanity’s only hope—an alliance of mortal enemies—may be doomed. The Clan invaders have chosen their next objective—Luthien, capital of the Draconis Combine. House Kurita must now fight for survival on its homeworld. Hanse Davion is presented with a situation undreamt of...the final defeat of the Dragon itself. Should he attack his distracted foe and destroy the enemy his family has battled for over 300 years? Or should he reinforce a fellow House of the Inner Sphere against a force that Davion and the Federated Commonwealth might not otherwise defeat when their time comes? And even if the Houses should somehow agree to stand together against the Clan menace, another just as dangerous threat lurks within their midst. ComStar, the semi-mystic sect that controls interstellar communication, schemes to hurl House Davion, House Kurita, and the Clans into a devastating war that will leave ComStar in a position to dominate the Inner Sphere...
Physical Purchase: Amazon
Hardcover: Amazon
Digital Copy: DriveThru Fiction
In-Universe Date: 3052
The Clans. Warriors bred for battle and mated to fantastic war machines, Clansmen live for victory and pray for death before defeat. Invaders from beyond the Periphery, the Clans have beaten the forces of the Inner Sphere repeatedly. Now the Clans are driving toward their ultimate objective—Terra, cradle of humankind, and hub of the ComStar communications network. Nothing the Inner Sphere has can stop them. The heir to the throne of the Draconis Combine is missing. Whole regiments of BattleMechs lie smashed like abandoned toys. Rasalhague is overrun. The Clans are sweeping toward the center of the known universe in a relentless tide. Humanity's only hope is the Inner Sphere's most powerful traitor. ComStar betrayed the Inner Sphere by aiding the Clans in their conquests. Now the mystic sect that controls all interstellar communication must face the Clan hordes—alone. And a mysterious, elderly warrior—along with the untested warriors of ComStar—is the Inner Sphere's last defense against total defeat.
Physical Purchase: Amazon
Hardcover: Amazon
Digital Copy: DriveThru Fiction
In-Universe Date: 3053 - 3055
The Succession Wars.
The Marik Civil War.
The War of '39.
The Clan Invasion.
Wolf's Dragoons were victorious in them all. For fifty years, the five mercenary regiments of Wolf's Dragoons have been the toughest MechWarriors in the Inner Sphere. Whatever the job, whatever the odds, Jaime Wolf's Dragoons always won. Now an aging Colonel Wolf is facing the biggest challenge of his career. And the enemy is not an Inner Sphere Lord or a Clan Khan, but a rebellion among his own men!
Physical Purchase: Amazon
Digital Copy: DriveThru Fiction
In-Universe Date: 3054 - 3055
Synopsis: Dispossessed in the battle of Tukayyid, former Com Guard soldier Jeremiah Rose wants nothing more than to strike back at the Clans who destroyed his 'Mech and his career. Dreams of swift vengeance turn to nightmares when every effort he makes to rejoin the fight to protect the citizens of the Inner Sphere is rejected. Forced to win a new BattleMech by fighting on the game world of Solaris VII, Rose recruits other soldiers from the arenas to create a new mercenary unit and take his grudge back to the invaders. Unfortunately, Rose is long on battle experience and desperately short on business skills. Turning a band of mismatched MechWarriors into an elite fighting unit becomes harder than he imagined when Rose is forced to fight his fellow MechWarriors in order to fight the Clans.
Physical Purchase: Amazon
Digital Copy: DriveThru Fiction
In-Universe Date: 3054 - 3055
Synopsis: Captain Paul Masters, a knight of the House of Marik, is well versed in the art of BattleMech combat. A veteran of countless battles, he personifies the virtues of the Inner Sphere MechWarrior. But when he is sent to evaluate a counterinsurgency operation on a backwater planet, he doesn't find the ideal war he expects. Instead of valiant patriots fighting villainous rebels, he discovers a guerrilla war—both sides have abandoned decency for expediency, ideals for body counts, and honor for victory. It's a dirty, dirty war...
Physical Purchase: Amazon
Digital Copy: DriveThru Fiction
In-Universe Date: 3055
Synopsis: The Clan War had ended in an uneasy peace. Sporadic Clan incursions into Inner Sphere territory supply mercenaries like the Kell Hounds with more work than they can handle... border raids sharply divide the Federated Commonwealth's political factions, bringing further instability to the realm standing between Clan's goals and anarchy. And while secret ambitions drive plans to rip the Commonwealth apart, Khan Phelan Ward and Prince Victor Davion—cousins, rulers, and enemies—must decide if maintaining the peace justifies the actions they will take to preserve it.
Physical Purchase: Amazon
Digital Copy: DriveThru Fiction
In-Universe Date: 3055
Synopsis: Solaris VII, the Game World, is the Inner Sphere in microcosm, and Kai Allard-Liao is its Champion. Veteran of the war against the Clans, he daily engages in free-form battles against challengers who wish his crown for their own. There is no place he would rather be. Then the political realities of the Federated Commonwealth intrude on Solaris. Ryan Steiner, a man sworn to dethrone Victor Steiner-Davion, comes to Solaris to orchestrate his rebellion. Tormano Liao, Kai's uncle, redoubles efforts to destroy the Capellan Confederation, and Victor Steiner-Davion plots to revenge his mother's assassination. In one short month, Kai's past, present and future collapse, forcing him to do things he had come to Solaris to avoid. If he succeeds, no one will ever know, but if he fails, he'll have the blood of billions on his hands.
Physical Purchase: Amazon
Digital Copy: DriveThru Fiction
In-Universe Date: 3024
Synopsis: Thirty meters tall, seventy tons of quick-striding death and destruction, the armored war machines called BattleMechs are the front line forces of the crumbling star empire locked in the horror of the endless Succession Wars. Their pilots are MechWarriors, 31st-Century knights riding armored machines powerful enough to take a city apart.
Grayson Death Carlyle had been training to be a MechWarrior since he was 10 years old, but his graduation came sooner than expected. With his friends and family dead and his father's regiment destroyed, young Grayson finds himself stranded on a world turned hostile. Now he must learn the hardest lesson of all: it takes more than a BattleMech to make a MechWarrior...
But to claim that title, all Grayson has to do is go out and capture one of those giant killing machines...if it doesn't kill him first.
Physical Purchase: Amazon
Audiobook: Amazon
Digital Copy: DriveThru Fiction