Who are DFA Wargaming?
Part of playing Classic BattleTech is keeping track of a boatload of modifiers and status effects that can impact the performance of your mech. From a damaged leg actuator to more complicated stacking PSR modifiers, the game can become a little overwhelming if you don't have a good system in place to manage all of these things.
Here at DFA Wargaming, we've devised a fairly simple and non-proprietary way to keep track of just about everything important. If you've watched our battle reports, you might have noticed we play with a series of optional rules published in the Battlemech Manual, Total Warfare, and some out-of-print supplements like Strategic Operations.
When it comes to choosing optional and house rules, our top priorities are balance and speed of gameplay - but we also keep an eye towards recreating a feeling that is true to both Classic BattleTech and the MechWarrior game series we all love.