Welcome Fellow Battletech Aficionados

As you can see it still a work in progress. Need to get some stuff up for some people (Backer only updates on Kickstater that CrowdOx backers can’t see) so I’ll be going live with this site in the mean time. I really want this site to be successful. There are a few hurdles:

  • Time (I work 74 hours a week, and although I can jump in and out of Discord, working on the site is another story)

  • Financial (Getting everything up and running does mean I have to turn some stuff down and the cost of running the forum and the site was a bit more than I thought)

  • Critics (Some hate that I am trying to “split” the fan base by making my discord successful and by making this website. I for one never did find a forum that I found welcoming within the Battletech community so why not just create my own?)

  • Pessimism (Of course, this could all just fail and I would have wasted my time. I will give it as much as I can, and if I fail, then at the very least I can say that I tried)

I did make a Patreon, not sure if anyone is willing to help me push this dream forward but any help would be much appreciated. The goal would be to fully fund the website so I can upgrade the forum and upgrade Discord to the highest level so we can build the community even more.

Besides that I also made a facebook page and group: